Comprehensive School Improvement (CSI)

The School Improvement (SI) Plan answers the question, “How are we going to get to where we want to be?” It is different from typical, annual plans that are written to close a gap or achieve a couple goals. The SI Plan is written to achieve the vision of the school and is about keeping the entire system together and moving forward. The primary purpose of the plan is to identify the strategies, practices, or programs (referred to collectively as “strategies” in this document) based on the root-cause analysis, the system can implement with the highest likelihood of success. Schools should select strategies that are informed by research as having a desired impact in addressing root causes for the intended student population. Under Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the district or charter—in partnership with stakeholders (including principals and other school leaders, teachers and parents)—must locally develop and implement a school improvement plan for the school to improve student outcomes.

For schools identified under ESSA, the plan must:
Improve student outcomes.
Be informed by all indicators in the accountability system, including student performance in Minnesota’s long-term goals.
Based on a school level comprehensive needs assessment.
Include at least one strategy or evidence-based intervention.
Include strategies to increase access to experienced, qualified and effective teachers for underserved students at the school and classroom levels.
Identifies resource inequities, which may include a review of district and school level budgeting, to be addressed through implementation of this plan.
Be resourced appropriately.
Describe how early stakeholder input was solicited and used plan development, and how stakeholders will participate in plan implementation.
Be approved by the school, the district or charter, and the state (comprehensive support and improvement schools only).
Are made publicly available, such as on a school or district website, with required materials under World’s Best Workforce.  McGregor Elementary Plan
Upon approval and implementation, is monitored and periodically reviewed by the state.